Dog Daze Deluxe
Watch Dog Daze demo on YouTube
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Game Description

This is an updated and improved version of the original Dog Daze. These are the major changes:

  • One-player mode (the computer takes control of the other dog)
  • Street background and perspective view
  • Higher-resolution bones, dogs, and dog animation
However, the game-play is really just the same as the original Dog Daze.

To download and play the game, go to my Atari 800 Emulator page.

Game Review

This game is as good as the original Dog Daze, but with better graphics and a reasonably good one-player mode. The game was published too late for it to receive any professional reviews. In fact, few people have played the game. It did not earn any royalties.

Shareware Notice

In 1984, I distributed this game for free and asked for donations from satisfied customers. If you leave on the initial title screen for about a minute without starting a game, you will see the shareware notice. This early attempt at shareware marketing was a failure. The only response was a single donation of $5 from a bulletin board operator. (A "bulletin board" was a dial-up file-sharing site, in the days before the Internet.)

The address shown in the shareware notice is no longer valid. To contact me, go to my Guest Register web page.

Dog Daze Revolution

Peruvian game programmer Lobsang Alvites (also known as Mr. Byte) has written a clone of Dog Daze Deluxe for Windows, called Dog Daze Revolution. No Atari emulator software is required! Amazingly, he did this without seeing the source code for Dog Daze Deluxe. Dog Daze Revolution is a little bit different from my original Dog Daze Deluxe. For more information, see the  Twin Eagles Group web page.

Programming Notes

For a bit of information about how I programmed Dog Daze Deluxe, see my Programming Notes web page.

Back to Dog Daze home page

Dog Daze Deluxe ©1981,1983 Gray Chang
Web page ©2003 Gray Chang

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